Friday, June 5, 2015

Chocolate, Chewing Gum & Brown Babies On Sale

Title : Chocolate, Chewing Gum & Brown Babies
Category: Movies

Item Page Download URL : Download Movie
Rating : 3.0
Buyer Review : 1

Review :
American Army Liberates Luxembourg
This is a documentary about the American liberation of the Duchy of Luxembourg in 1944. Mainly from the perspective of the people of this small nation with a few American veterans adding insights. Note that the Luxembourg language is spoken here (and sung in the opening credit sequence) which sounds like a mellower high German. Unfortunately the accompaning closed captioning is about three minutes ahead of the actual scene it relates to, thus you will have an American talking in English while the captioning is translating a someone later on.
This is rather long but it has a few interesting discussions rarely talked about in other WW2 films, such as the handing out of so much candy and chewing gum that children literally got sick and died. Rare notice of the impact of Lucky Strike cigarettes, black MP's, condom use, and rowdy drunken soldiers billeted in the various towns. There is very little actual military information here.
This really is for those who are interested...

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